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Self-service laundry hygiene: tips and good practice in times of COVID-19

Self-service laundry hygiene: tips and good practice in times of COVID-19

Hygiene and cleanliness are now more important than ever in a self-service laundry

The emergence of COVID-19 in our lives has been a turning point in society, it has changed people’s consumption and hygiene habits and has made it necessary to find new ways of interacting with one other.

At Domus, we want to establish and show you some tips and good practices so that, when you go to one of our Clean&Go stores, you can wash your clothing in complete safety, reducing the chances of infection to the bare minimum. Overcoming this pandemic is a question of collective responsibility and depends on each one of us, we must be careful, clean and methodical.

Higiene en lavanderías autoservicio

Self-service laundry hygiene: guidelines and good practices to follow in Clean&Go stores

  1. Wash your hands before entering and leaving the store; get used to doing so several times each day.
  2. If you need to cough, use a disposable tissue. If you don’t have one, cough by covering your mouth with your inner elbow.
  3. Keep a metre distance between people who are inside the self-service laundry.
  4. Try not to talk to other users much; bear in mind that COVID-19 can be spread by the saliva we expel when we talk.
  5. Avoid shaking hands and any type of physical contact between users.
  6. While you are using the laundry machines, ensure you don’t touch your face, mouth, eyes or nose.
  7. Use category 3 nitrile protective gloves and FFP3 self-priming masks when handling dirty clothing.
  8. Place the finished clothing in bags and store in a protected place away from dust and dirt.

Good practice for washing and disinfecting clothing 

Higiene en lavanderías autoservicio

  1. Wash and dry your clothing with 60º programmes to reduce the risk of contamination as far as possible and to remove the virus.
  2. Ensure you wash clothing regularly, it is the only existing and effective way for complete hygiene and disinfection.
  3. Avoid shaking clothes before placing them in the washing machine.

As you can see, following basic hygiene and social distancing measures can hugely reduce the risk of infection, which is the best way to contribute to ending the pandemic. You should be responsible and think about the common good. We will overcome this crisis together!


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